Organising for Impact You cannot re-architect a business without considering, and in all likelihood, re-architecting its organisation. The Impact Bridge provides a sound, logical basis for aligning an organisation with its strategic imperatives.



  The approach builds on the organisation principles articulated within the Impact Bridge
  • "Peels apart" a business, revealing the nature, clustering and linkages of activities and behaviours required to deliver strategic imperatives
  • "Puts together" the organisation architecture through:
    • a consideration of the range of linkage mechanisms - structural and other - that can optimise outcomes
    • development of specific organisation options representing different tradeoffs in managing key linkages and risks
    • assessment and refinement of options against agreed criteria with constraints (such as talent, resources, time pressures and so on)
    • translation of the chosen target organisation architecture into a comprehensive blueprint of roles, accountabilities, metrics, targets, individual capabilities and performance management processes
  • Recognises that real business ownership and economic accountability demands explicit co-dependencies that cannot be managed through structure alone
  • Accommodates the political and emotional agendas that are part and parcel of every organisation
  • Adapts the scale and circumstance, from "tweaking" a largely effective organisation to fundamental reformation. (driven either by underperformance or the desire for significantly better achievement)
Materials Organising for Impact is a critical theme within the whole concept of business architecture. It is explored in depth within the book and has also been the basis for a range of specific initiatives and workshops.

You can find an overview of the Organising for Impact concepts within this site. These materials were developed for use within an interactive environment - so lack the benefit of the "voice over" and interpretation that reveals their full power. Within this limitation, you'll find some powerful ideas and a nice case example.